appreciates your interest in our writing services. We would like to bring to your attention that the price of custom writing services is adjusted to deadline and type of assignment only. The below tables summarize the prices of our writing services. You are welcome to contact us ( if you have any questions. The prices below reflect the price per page (275 words, Arial 12 pt, double-spaced) in US Dollars.
If you want to buy essay at our site, you should take into account that when you buy papers online, you purchase essay writing services which are adjusted to your specific requirements and expectations.
Buying essay or papers at this site, you should not worry about deadlines. You are welcome to order essay papers writing service to be completed within 8, 16, 24, and 48 hours. Please pay attention that dissertation writing services can be ordered starting with a 5 day deadline as it is impossible to write any part of a dissertation within a shorter deadline. We would like to bring to your attention that the time count starts at the moment you pay for the custom writing services or editing assistance.
We guarantee delivery of custom written paper at specified deadline; otherwise, you get a full refund. We guarantee delivery of 100% plagiarism free essay (fully referenced and properly formatted). You are encouraged to provide as detailed instruction for essay writing as possible to avoid potential misunderstanding on your expectations.
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